Tuesday, May 4, 2021

[Sunday School Lesson D&C 49 & 50]


24 DOWN 49:2 they desire to know the truth _____________   _____________________, but not all

8 DOWN 49:7 the hour and the day __________   __________________   ________________________

4 DOWN 49:12 the beginning and the ____________________

25 ACROSS, 20 DOWN 49:15 whoso forbiddeth to ___________________ is not ordained of God, for marriage is _________________________   _______________   ___________________ unto man

27 DOWN, 37 ACROSS 49:19 for the use of man for __________ and for ________________, and that he might have in abundance

9 DOWN, 1 ACROSS 49:21 wo be unto man that ________________________   ___________________ or that _________________________   _______________________ and hath no need

35 ACROSS 49:27 I will go before you and be your _______________________; and I will be in your midst

6 DOWN, 30 ACROSS 50:3 Satan hath sought to ________________________ you, that he might ____________________________ you

17 DOWN, 2 DOWN, 11 ACROSS 50:7 there are hypocrites among you, who have ______________________   ___________________, which has given _________   ______________________   __________________; but behold such shall be __________________________

22 DOWN, 14 ACROSS 50:16 nevertheless, I will be merciful unto you; he that is __________________ among you hereafter shall be ________________   _______________________

26 ACROSS, 13 ACROSS, 2 ACROSS 50:22 he that preacheth and he that receiveth, __________________ one another, and both are ___________________ and ____________________ together

34 ACROSS, 7 ACROSS 50:23 that which __________________   ______________   __________________ is not of God, and is ___________________________

16 DOWN 50:24 that which is of God is _______________________

21 ACROSS 50:32 and it shall be given unto you, ____________   __________   ___________   _____________

10 DOWN 50:35 __________________   __________    __________________________ all things which are not ordained of him (God)

18 ACROSS, 28 DOWN 50:40 Behold, ye are little children and ye cannot bear all things now; ye must ______________   __________   __________________ and in the knowledge of the _____________________

29 ACROSS, 33 DOWN, 12 ACROSS 50:41 __________________   _______________, little children, for you are ________________________, and I have _______________________ the world

23 DOWN, 3 ACROSS, 15 ACROSS 50:44 Wherefore, I am _________   ________________   _______________, and I am ___________   ___________   ____________, and ______   ____________   ______   _____________.

32 DOWN 50:44 He that buildeth upon this ____________________ shall never fall.

31 DOWN 50:45 And the day cometh that you shall hear my voice and _______________   ____________, and know that I am.

19 DOWN, 36 ACROSS 50:46 ___________________, therefore, that ye may ________   _________________.

This took a long time to do so I'm hoping someone else can use it too. :)

I gave my youth Sunday School class some homework prior to our lesson.


1. Study D&C 49 and 50.

2. Do the crossword puzzle. The numbers that are typed in BOLD show the scripture verse where you will find the answer. Some answers have more than one word.

3. Look up “Grace” in the Bible Dictionary, page 697.

4. Look up “Hypocrite” in the Bible Dictionary, page 705.

5. Go to merriam-webster.com (an online dictionary) and look up these two words and write down their definitions on the crossword puzzle page:

DECEIVE                 RECLAIM

6. Ponder how you are “growing in grace and in the knowledge of the truth”.

7. Optional: color the flower.

See you on May 16th.  😊

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